09 June 2009

DuckWiki project started!

After the decision in the last days to start a new open source project, I've now created a repository on github.
Sure, there is no code in this repo but it will come soon. Some basic documentation will also follow in the next weeks.

So what is the project for?
Well it's name is DuckWiki and as you may expect, it will be a wiki software. It should be deveoped on top of the awesome Grails framework and make use of some cool new web technologies and architectures like RIA, REST, etc.

There are so much wikis, why another one?
Well the idea behind DuckWiki is not just creating a plain old wiki software to clone the Wikipedia. DuckWiki will be a wiki for creating DuckMaps instead of Wikipedia like articles.

DuckMap, what's that?
Everyone knows: It walks like duck, it looks like a duck, thus it's a duck, isn't it?
A DuckMap looks like a map and it behaves like one, thus it's one. But in general a DuckMap is like an instruction based on a cupple of maps (incl. maps or plans of buildings). You can think of it like a driving direction, but with much more details (even inside of buildings).

Sounds good?
Stay tuned.

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