09 January 2009

Symbolic a Grails example

While I prefer Ubuntu as a Linux OS, there is a cool Open Source application available for administration of Fedora and RedHat Linux machines, called Symbolic. It's based on the awesome ils framework and it's defenitiv a good example, that an Open Source application can have a pretty looking homepage ;-)

06 January 2009

Tiny URL for your app

It is a great idea to make big URLs more usable. TinyURL is such a service, who can do this for you. I use it a lot in Twitter, but what if you also want in your own app?
It's pretty easy since TinyURL provides a nice and small API.
The result will be the TinyURL link, you'll want. Try this:
It will create a TinyURL to a product presentation of my company. Copy the shown URL to your browser's address bar and you'll see, it just works.