02 December 2008

Enabling the cool developer tools in Safari

All web developers love Firefox because of the awesome Firebug Add-on. Sure, me too, but what is with all the other browsers?
Well, Microsoft will maybe offer real developer tools with IE 8. But for my favorite rendering engine WebKit (e. g. in Safari or Google Chrome), there are allready some cool tools availabe. On a Mac all you need to do is typing the following command into your Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitScriptDebuggerEnabled -bool true
Now open Safari's preferences and activate the develop menu on the advanced tab. That's all. You'll get a cupple of cool tools, which are as powerful as Firebug.
Here the network ananlysis of my iGoogle page:

Looking pretty nice, or?
More for Drosera (that's the name of the WebKit developer tool) can be found here.

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